Chuck Wagon Adventures

By Laurie Copes

On the 26th of May James (Peanut) and I (Laurie) Copes headed to Mineral Wells, Tx to cook for a survival retreat and to speak about outside cooking and food preservation. We have a ChuckWagon Ministry called ChuckWagon Will Travel (Cooking for Jesus).  Red River Cowboy Church is one of our biggest supporters and prayer warriors.  

The ChuckWagon we have was actually given to us by Bro. Clyde Miley and the church.  The ChuckWagon is carried from mission trip to mission trip in a heavy, steel, living quarters horse trailer which is also our home.  It is pulled by a Volvo semi.  

Well we headed home on May 31st. In Weatherford, Tx the truck blew a fuel injector. Peanut felt we could make it home so off we go.  Right outside of Ft. Worth the truck completely shut down.  We had to get a tow truck to come tow us back to Mineral Wells so we could see what was wrong with the truck. On June 3 we had a mechanic come out to check he confirmed it was the fuel injector. He had to order the fuel injector and the oil and filters for the truck. So that Saturday he came out took the old fuel injector off for the court charge the new one would be in Monday. Long story short the new one came in finally the following week on a Tuesday. The mechanic came out to fix the truck and that’s when we found out that the whole engine head blown.

So now the question was how would we get home. Everything we do in our lives and based on this ministry goes through God. The truck and the trailer both belong to God, so we fully and completely rely on him to do everything with it. We begin to pray, had our prayer warriors praying, and looking for ideas on how we could get them both home. We had many friends come up with many different ideas however none of them would’ve worked.

Then God sends us a knight in shining chrome, Michael Haire! Mike works for Nolen’s towing and repair,  a towing company who tows all sorts of vehicles. So he talks to his boss, they work out a deal, and Mike after four weeks work heads out to Mineral  Wells, Texas to pick us up and tow us home.  So almost 2 1/2 weeks later on 13 June Mike and Peanut got everything hooked up and ready to haul back. We left Mineral Wells at 8 o’clock that morning And pulled into our drive in Pioneer Louisiana at 3:15.

Thank you to Nolen’s Towing, Mike Haire, the amazing people at Red River Cowboy Church, Red Hill Cowboy Church and so many more individuals.  We love y’all!