Fun Day is Coming

RRPJ-Fun day TOP-18Apr18

4-H Club members at Red River schools are getting ready for their annual Fun Day. It is scheduled for May 11th at Red River Elementary School. Terry Foster with the LSU Ag Center oversees 4-H in the parish. Foster described last year’s 4-H Fun Day for the Journal.

“The Red River 4-H club members attended the annual 4-H Fun Day at Grand Bayou Resort on May 11th. There was a total of 117 4-H members, leaders and parent volunteers.

“The students have been focusing on Grub N Science experiments during school club meetings. They did experiments such as making Tie-dyed milk to learn about surface tension, Science Of Popcorn to learn about what makes popcorn pop, the Butter Side of Milk to learn how to actually make butter and numerous other experiments during the school year. To complete the year they did Kitchen Chemistry experiments at Fun Day to learn that it also takes a chemist to be a great chef!

“A great day was had by all last year. To complete the day they took a trash walk to the beach to help beautify the park while also getting a paddle board demonstration on the lake. “

Foster said preparations for this year’s Fun Day are under way. The students in 4-H have been working hard to make it better and even more fun. To learn more about Red River 4-H contact Terry Foster at 932-4342 or at

RRPJ-Fun Day BOTTOM-18Apr18

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