Cleaning Up Abandoned and Blighted Houses

RRPJ-Blighted Houses Cleanup-18May11

There are many run-down, damaged, and abandoned houses within the town of Coushatta. The Town Council has taken the first steps to get blighted houses cleaned up.

The Town Council met Tuesday night and approved a motion to have the town attorney send letters to property owners requesting that they clean up their mess. The Chief of Police will make a list of properties in town that need to be fixed up or torn down. Town maintenance workers will take pictures of the properties.

In recent months the Town Council has taken several steps to improve Coushatta. There is an ongoing program of replacing cracked and broken sidewalks. Latest improvements were made along Ringgold Avenue from the railroad tracks to the 4-way stop. And the project for the refurbishing of Front Street is nearing completion. There are also plans to make improvements at the town ballpark in the industrial park area.

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