ETC…March 31st

OUT LIKE A LION. Tradition says March either comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb or comes in like a lamb and roars out like a lion. We heard the roars for the past week! Two storms blew through the area, and thankfully Red River parish was spared major damage by both. A check with the Sheriff’s Department shows no damage from the storm Wednesday night. The earlier storm blew down a few trees in the parish.

SCHOOL BOARD A WEEK EARLY. The April meeting of the Red River Parish School Board is scheduled for Monday, April 3rd. At the March meeting the board moved the meeting from the usual second Monday to the first Monday in April. The move is due to spring break occurring on the normal meeting day.

POLICE JURY MEETS APRIL 3rd. That is their regular meeting day. Agenda will be on their website by Friday April 7th.

QUOTE WORTH REPEATING. Overheard during the past week “What you’ve been doing couldn’t be as important as what I’ve been doing.” Enough said.

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